Date Mtg. No. Details Stage
27-MAR-25062CLONMEL Weights
12-APR-25080CURRAGH Entries
20-APR-25089FAIRYHOUSE Forfeits
21-APR-25092FAIRYHOUSE Entries
29-APR-25100PUNCHESTOWN Entries
24-MAY-25134CURRAGH Forfeits
25-MAY-25135CURRAGH Entries
02-JUN-25148GOWRAN PARK Entries
29-JUN-25175CURRAGH Forfeits
19-JUL-25203CURRAGH Forfeits
04-AUG-25222NAAS Entries
14-SEP-25272CURRAGH Entries
* Ratings correct as of time of going to print.
** Once available, Rider Information will be updated every 3 minutes until nomination of riders close.