Date Mtg. No. Details Stage
15-JUL-24195DOWNPATRICK DeclarationsRider Info...
15-JUL-24196KILLARNEY DeclarationsRider Info...
16-JUL-24197KILLARNEY DeclarationsRider Info...
17-JUL-24198KILLARNEY DeclarationsRider Info...Ballot Status Rpt...
18-JUL-24199KILLARNEY Weights
18-JUL-24200LEOPARDSTOWN Weights
19-JUL-24201KILLARNEY Entries
19-JUL-24202DOWN ROYAL Entries
20-JUL-24203CURRAGH Entries
21-JUL-24204CURRAGH Entries
05-AUG-24222NAAS Forfeits
10-AUG-24230CURRAGH Entries
14-SEP-24270LEOPARDSTOWN Entries
15-SEP-24271CURRAGH Entries
28-SEP-24288CURRAGH Entries
* Ratings correct as of time of going to print.
** Once available, Rider Information will be updated every 3 minutes until nomination of riders close.